Friday, October 29, 2010

Marijuana should be legal across the United States

According to “Going to pot: No on Prop.19” in California, the author Sal Rosano states that marijuana should be banned across the nation due to abusiveness and potential hazard. From the perspective of law enforcement, this Prop. 19 will result in the new opening to other drugs.  The author makes a strong point comparing the similar effect between alcohol and marijuana because of the side effect. Nevertheless, 1/3 of deaths and injuries occur in the abuse of alcohol users; therefore, marijuana should not be legal in the United States.
In my perspective, drugs and alcohol are the main attraction toward adults and underage. Law enforcement can be a great guideline for people to follow, but adolescence also will have illegally way to obtain them regardless to the law. If marijuana becomes legal in the United States, it will have variety beneficial; for instance, controlling users on the amount of usage and also bring extra taxes toward the States. However, my proposal is not for everyone who would like to consume but for people who eligible need under medical attention.  According to the treatment on the usage of marijuana, it helps patents to reduce pain, muscle spasms, tremors, seizures, and etc.   
Another benefit of making marijuana legal is reducing the number of law enforcement. The State does not necessary need more than law enforcement to track down illegal seller toward marijuana since all sellers and buyers must register to the State. It is making easier for law enforcement or auditor to inspect the location to see any illegal activities against the policy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Shareholder vs. News Corporation

Recently in August 2010, Rupert Murdoch, the chief executive officer in News Corporation donates $1 million to the Republican Governors Association and another million to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as a contributions to election-related activity in the United States.  He responded to shareholders that he intended gave the money as gift as the result of his companionship. However, the Murdoch did not look into the interest of his shareholders. They are reluctantly for Murdoch to utilize the company money for personal use. In addition, the shareholders consider Murdoch act may result as a potential illegality, but the author stated that Murdoch may not aware of the situation. On the other hand, the News Corporation stated that they are well aware of the shareholders funds for activities; they will utilize it in the shareholders best interest. In my perspective, Murdoch’s action can be considered as unethical but legally. According to the United States laws, any monetary transaction is appropriate to contribute into the political campaign. Murdoch may uses this money to payoffs the politicians or influence the decision makers. Furthermore, Murdoch action is not a potential illegality because by law, the legal standards of bribery of his action cannot met to the evidence of a quid pro quo. Therefore, his temptation cannot result as bribery.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Michael Moore offer Salvation to Democrats

Today, the controversial documentary director Michael Moore contributed an article on The Huffington Post called “Five Ways the Democrats Can Avoid a Catastrophe and Pull Off the Mother of All Upsets.” Of course the only audience that would actually read and enjoy this article are the left-winged liberals, but they are exactly whom he wrote this piece of journal for. His “memo” to President Obama and the Democratic Party leaders includes such recommendations as massive media campaign attacking Republicans, reminding voters that Republicans are source of all problems America is in; punishing all criminals “who caused the economic collapse and those who became war profiteers”; suspending all the home foreclosures by all banks; creating jobs by replicating the New Deal idea of government hiring; and urging Democrats to pledge to distance themselves from Wall Street and any corporations. Conservatives would grind their teeth reading that “it was the REPUBLICANS who concocted and led the unnecessary invasion of two countries, putting us in our longest war ever, wars that will eventually cost us over $3 trillion. Bush and Co. also caused the biggest collapse of our economy since the Great Depression”, and would call him a socialist for promoting the idea of creating another WPA work program. Besides, Democrats wouldn’t dare to promote anything associate with the word “budget deficit” at this time. However, his direct yet humorous approach to the crisis of the Democratic Party resonates the concerns of every Democrats and liberals in general. His radical ideas are what his audiences want to hear and hope to happen but know that it’s simply unrealistic at this time, if ever. It’s a wish list from one liberal to other liberals.