According to “Going to pot: No on Prop.19” in California, the author Sal Rosano states that marijuana should be banned across the nation due to abusiveness and potential hazard. From the perspective of law enforcement, this Prop. 19 will result in the new opening to other drugs. The author makes a strong point comparing the similar effect between alcohol and marijuana because of the side effect. Nevertheless, 1/3 of deaths and injuries occur in the abuse of alcohol users; therefore, marijuana should not be legal in the United States.
In my perspective, drugs and alcohol are the main attraction toward adults and underage. Law enforcement can be a great guideline for people to follow, but adolescence also will have illegally way to obtain them regardless to the law. If marijuana becomes legal in the United States, it will have variety beneficial; for instance, controlling users on the amount of usage and also bring extra taxes toward the States. However, my proposal is not for everyone who would like to consume but for people who eligible need under medical attention. According to the treatment on the usage of marijuana, it helps patents to reduce pain, muscle spasms, tremors, seizures, and etc.
Another benefit of making marijuana legal is reducing the number of law enforcement. The State does not necessary need more than law enforcement to track down illegal seller toward marijuana since all sellers and buyers must register to the State. It is making easier for law enforcement or auditor to inspect the location to see any illegal activities against the policy.