The fifth annual Values Voters Summit was held in the nation's capital this Friday. And this time it is a celebration of a string of GOP primary upsets this year and promising a revolution at the polls in November. The summit is a veritable "who's who" of rising Republican stars and possible 2012 presidential contenders: Sens. Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, , Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, among others. The right's newest celebrity, surprise Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell is also scheduled to appear. O'DonnellÕs candidacy triggered a vicious intraparty struggle between Tea Party activists and establishment leaders. Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, who organizes the yearly conference, applauded her for "valiantly defending faith, family and freedom."
DeMint celebrated Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski's primary defeat to Tea Party favorite Joe Miller, because he promised to be more fiscally responsible.
Hotly energized social conservatives took aim at Washington's political establishment, slammed the Obama administration for advancing what was characterized as a left-wing agenda threatening to undermine the country's economy, security and moral foundation.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney Romney blasted the White House for backing what he claimed are divisive policies that have failed to adequately reverse the economic downturn. He called Obama the most divisive president in American history, and is headed for a major loss in November.
As in years past, the results of a GOP presidential straw poll will be released at the end of the conference. Huckabee won last year's straw poll.
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